********************************************************************* * IBM ServeRAID Firmware and BIOS Update * * README.TXT * * Version 7.12 * ********************************************************************* CONTENTS ________ 1.0 Overview 2.0 Installation and setup instructions 2.1 Updating the BIOS and firmware 3.0 Troubleshooting tips 4.0 Web Site and Support Phone Number 5.0 Trademarks and Notices 6.0 Disclaimer 1.0 Overview _____________ NOTE: This README provides information needed to install and configure an IBM ServeRAID-7k Ultra320 SCSI controller, IBM ServeRAID-7t SATA controller, IBM ServeRAID-6i/6i+ Ultra320 SCSI controller, IBM ServeRAID-6M Ultra320 SCSI controller, IBM ServeRAID-5i Ultra320 SCSI controller, IBM ServeRAID-4H Ultra160 SCSI controller, IBM ServeRAID-4M Ultra160 SCSI controller, IBM ServeRAID-4Mx Ultra160 SCSI controller, IBM ServeRAID-4L Ultra160 SCSI controller, and IBM ServeRAID-4Lx Ultra160 SCSI controller (hereafter referred to as IBM ServeRAID-4 Ultra160 SCSI controllers). Follow each step in this README to ensure that your ServeRAID controllers have the latest software levels. The ServeRAID 7.12 release of code contains the following levels of firmware: o Firmware level 4.1 for the ServeRAID-7t SATA Controller o Firmware level 7.12 for the ServeRAID-7k, ServeRAID-6M, ServeRAID-6i/6i+, and ServeRAID-5i Ultra320 SCSI Controllers o Firmware level 7.12 for the ServeRAID-4M/4L/4Mx/4Lx Ultra160 SCSI Controllers o Firmware level 7.12.02 for the ServeRAID-4H Ultra160 SCSI Controller o Firmware level 6.10.24 for the ServeRAID-3H/3HB Ultra2 SCSI Controller and the ServeRAID-3L Ultra2 SCSI Controller o Firmware level 2.88 for the ServeRAID-II Ultra SCSI Controller o Firmware level 2.88 for the integrated ServeRAID Controller on the IBM PC Server 330 and IBM Netfinity 5500 system boards o Firmware Level 2.25 for the ServeRAID Adapter Creating logical drives, prior to installing the ServeRAID Manager program, requires the "IBM ServeRAID Support" CD. This CD comes with your ServeRAID controller or you can download an ISO image from the IBM Support Web site. Refer to the documentation that comes with your CD-ROM writer for details on how to create a CD from an ISO image. If a CD writer is not available and the CD is lost, defective, or destroyed, contact the IBM HelpCenter for a replacement "IBM ServeRAID Support" CD. 2.0 Installation and setup instructions ________________________________________ NOTE: If your operating system is already installed on a ServeRAID controller, update the ServeRAID device driver before updating the BIOS and firmware. Refer to the IBM ServeRAID Device Driver Installation Instructions (DEVDRV.PDF) in the /BOOKS directory on the "IBM ServeRAID Support" CD. 2.1 Updating the BIOS and firmware ___________________________________ NOTES: o The ServeRAID-6i/6i+, ServeRAID-6M, ServeRAID-5i, and ServeRAID-4 controllers do not support SCSI CD-ROM drives. o To install a ServeRAID-7k, ServeRAID-6i/6i+, ServeRAID-6M, ServeRAID-5i, or a ServeRAID-4 controller in a server with one or more existing ServeRAID controllers, do the following: * Update the BIOS and firmware on the existing controllers using the ServeRAID 7.12 software. * Install the new controller in the server. o Before you can flash up from ServeRAID 4.84 to ServeRAID 7.12, it is necessary to flash first to ServeRAID 7.00. 1. Insert the "IBM ServeRAID Support" CD into the CD-ROM drive or insert the "IBM ServeRAID BIOS and Firmware Update (1 of 5)" diskette into the diskette drive; then, turn on the server. NOTE: When starting the "IBM ServeRAID Support" CD in startable (bootable) CD mode, the ServeRAID ROM Update Wizard might hang if the ServeRAID BIOS level is 3.50 or earlier. To prevent this potential problem, update the ServeRAID BIOS and firmware with the "IBM ServeRAID BIOS and Firmware Update (1 of 5)" diskette. 2. Wait for the IBM ServeRAID ROM Update Wizard to start and follow the instructions on the screen. 3.0 Troubleshooting tips ________________________ o You cannot create a RAID volume using the ACU BIOS configuration ulility program for the ServeRAID-7t SATA controller. Use the ServeRAID Manager program, either in desktop or startable-CD mode, to create RAID volumes for the ServeRAID-7t. o In a rare occurrence among ServeRAID-4 controllers, the NVRAM on the ServeRAID controller will not contain a valid configuration. The "IBM ServeRAID Support" CD will display a window indicating that the program cannot communicate with the controller. Use the Mini-Configuration program to restore the controller settings to the factory-default settings. Refer to the "IBM ServeRAID User's Reference" for information on using the Mini-Configuration program. o If you start a server with the IBM ServeRAID Support CD in the CD-ROM drive, the following warning message might display: You passed an undefined mode number. Press to see video modes available, to continue or wait 30 secs Press the Space bar to continue starting the IBM ServeRAID Support CD. Then, the following message displays and the CD starts: Uncompressing Linux... Ok, booting the kernel. o If you start a server with the IBM ServeRAID Support CD in the CD-ROM drive and a "boot:" prompt appears, then one of following might be preventing the CD from starting: o The Caps Lock or Scroll Lock is set. o The Shift or Alt keys are held. Press at the boot prompt to continue starting the IBM ServeRAID Support CD. o If you start a server with the IBM ServeRAID Support CD in the CD-ROM drive, and you are unable to eject the CD after exiting the ServeRAID Manager, do the following: 1. Power down the server. 2. Power the server back on. 3. Press the eject button on the CD-ROM. o If you are installing a ServeRAID-4 controller into a server with one or more existing ServeRAID controllers, and the server fails to start and displays POST code EF10, do the following: 1. Remove the ServeRAID-4 controller from the server. 2. Update the BIOS and firmware on the existing controllers using the ServeRAID 7.12 software. 3. Install the ServeRAID-4 controller in the server. o On a Netfinity server, if your operating system fails to start three times consecutively, the system BIOS will turn off the processor cache. When this happens the "IBM ServeRAID Support" CD behaves unexpectedly. To correct this problem, enter the system BIOS and re-enable the processor cache (or load the default settings). Refer to your system documentation for instructions on entering the system BIOS. o The Caps Lock key is disabled when using the ServeRAID Manager program in startable-CD (bootable-CD) mode. 4.0 Web Sites and Support Phone Number _______________________________________ o You can download new and updated files for the IBM ServeRAID and Clustering products from the IBM Support Web site: http://www.ibm.com/pc/support/ o For the latest list of supported operating systems, see the IBM Server Proven - SCSI and RAID Controllers Web site: http://www.pc.ibm.com/us/compat/controllers/matrix.html For supported operating systems on legacy (non-shipping) controllers, see: http://www.pc.ibm.com/us/compat/machines/index.html o With the original purchase of an IBM hardware product, you have access to extensive support coverage. During the IBM hardware product warranty period, you may call the IBM Personal Computer HelpCenter (1-800-772-2227 in the U.S.) for hardware product assistance covered under the terms of the IBM hardware warranty. 5.0 Trademarks and Notices ___________________________ The following terms are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries or both: Active PCI OS/2 Warp HelpCenter PC Server IBM Predictive Failure Analysis Netfinity ServeRAID Netfinity Manager ServerGuide OS/2 UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries and is licensed exclusively through The Open Group. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, Windows 2000, and Windows NT are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both. Adaptec and HostRAID are trademarks or registered trademarks of Adaptec, Inc. Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. 6.0 Disclaimer _______________ THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. IBM DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. BY FURNISHING THIS DOCUMENT, IBM GRANTS NO LICENSES TO ANY PATENTS OR COPYRIGHTS. Note to U.S. Government Users -- Documentation related to restricted rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corporation.