ATI Custom Display Driver for IBM Server Systems ************************************ A) SUPPORTED ATI PRODUCTS B) SUPPORTED RESOLUTIONS C) ISSUES FIXED IN THIS DRIVER D) PRIOR to INSTALLING DRIVER E) USING DRIVER F) UN-INSTALL DRIVER G) ISSUES YOU MAY ENCOUNTER H) UNATTENDED INSTALL I) CONTACT INFORMATION ************************************ ************************************ Windows Display Driver for ATI RADEON ************************************ ************************************ A) SUPPORTED ATI PRODUCTS RADEON ES1000 ************************************ B) SUPPORTED RESOLUTIONS 640X480 @ 60,70,75,85 Hz 800X600 @ 60,70,75,85 Hz 1024x768 @ 60,70,75,85 Hz 1280x1024 @ 60,70,75,85 Hz ************************************ c) ISSUES FIXED IN THIS DRIVER This driver fixes the warm boot test issue. ************************************ D) PRIOR to USING DRIVER Be sure to UNINSTALL any previous version of the RADEON display driver prior to installing this version. See the "Un-Install" section for instructions. ************************************ E) USING DRIVER Overview This package is a driver only release. Setup just installs the display driver with no control panel. Steps: - Copy and unzip to a local directory. - Close all programs - Click the START button and select the RUN menu item. - Click the BROWSE button. - Browse to the directory where was unzipped - Select Setup.exe and click OK to run the program. - Follow the instructions on the screen. ************************************ F) UN-INSTALL To un-install this software; - Click START, go to SETTINGS and select CONTROL PANEL. - Launch ADD/REMOVE programs. - Select "ATI Display Driver" and then click the ADD/REMOVE button. - RESTART Windows. To un-install temporary files from the DOWNLOAD bundle; - Delete the directory where you downloaded and unzipped NOTE: If you unbundled the files into a different directory, simply delete that directory. ************************************ G) ISSUES YOU MAY ENCOUNTER: ------------------------------- VERSION CONFLICTS When installing Display Drivers or Software a "Version Conflict" message may appear multiple times during the installation. If you encounter a "VERSION CONFLICT" message while installing this display driver select the "NO" option to proceed. * Selecting "NO" will ensure that the components of this driver bundle will replace your existing driver components. * Selecting "YES" will result in a MIX of new and old driver components, which is undesirable. ------------------------------- CONFIRM FILE REPLACE When installing Display Drivers or Software a "Confirm File Replace" message may appear multiple times during the installation. If you encounter a "Confirm File Replace" message while installing this display driver select the "YES" option to proceed. Selecting "YES" will ensure that all the components of this driver bundle will replace your existing driver components. ------------------------------- ************************************ H) UNATTENDED INSTALL Run Setup.exe with the command line parameter /k for unattended install. ************************************ I) ATI CONTACT INFORMATION: ATI WEB site: